Last week, a tweef generated between Kenyans and Nigerians after Kenya’s Harambee stars were poorly treated in Lagos. Well as Nigerians attacked Kenyans, Kenyans were also neutralizing all the tweefs.
Among some of the personalities who joined in the tweef is comedian Klint the Drunk who always comes for the yearly show Night of a thousand laughs in Kenya.
Although his other countrymates had nothing to lose in their attack Klint may never set foot again in Kenya after the tweets he wrote on the harsh tag #someonetellKenya.
Below are his tweets:
The Only Positive thing in Kenya is H.I.V
A burnt Ghanian = KENYA
Dear Kenyans, I know now you feel neglected, bad and rejected! But twit-fighting us WON'T put you on the africa map!! YOU ARE NOT A COUNTRY
Skeletons + Black Paint = Kenyans
Among some of the personalities who joined in the tweef is comedian Klint the Drunk who always comes for the yearly show Night of a thousand laughs in Kenya.
Although his other countrymates had nothing to lose in their attack Klint may never set foot again in Kenya after the tweets he wrote on the harsh tag #someonetellKenya.
Below are his tweets:
The Only Positive thing in Kenya is H.I.V
A burnt Ghanian = KENYA
Dear Kenyans, I know now you feel neglected, bad and rejected! But twit-fighting us WON'T put you on the africa map!! YOU ARE NOT A COUNTRY
Skeletons + Black Paint = Kenyans