
Thamani ya Mwanamke iko Wapi? Nudity was never an African fashion style

In those days, the pride of woman was always in her virtue. The virtue of decent dressing, respect for elder and good character.

Nudity was never an African fashion style. Though some argued that in the stone age, women flaunt around almost nak*d. This may be true, but the truer is that, there were no emotional attachment to the mode. It was not deliberate attempt to seduce the opposite s*x as the case is now. In those days, there were no cases of rape despite their nudity ways of dress. It was normal then. But there come a time when it was wiped off totally form the society.

The sudden rise in nudity dresses these days call for serious concern. Ladies now dresses to seduce men; and when some of them are eventually raped, the rapist becomes criminal. Truly, on no condition should a man rape a woman, but the ladies should stop the sexual harassment. Nudity is not tantamount to good looking or beauty but a satanic bastardization of fashion.

Men should be extremely careful, thousand of ladies flaunting around now half or completely naked now are agent from marine world. Satan has invented a simpler means to to impoverish, destroy and deny many of the kingdom of God.

Even the ladies in this post knew it is bad of them to dress the way they have dressed. That was why they covered their faces in shame. Avoid doing what you are not proud of doing.

African women has a pride. A pride of decency in all ramification. Nudity is not a show of pride but a stupid acculturation of the western world. Nudity is not fashion but a satanic invention to deceive covetous men. Be warned.

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  1. what do u mean in stone age? some of our people in africa still have a nude dress code and
    am proud that they do. yes you r right tho that its never meant fo seduction as these todays ladies do. seduction for no good reason is satanic. it only brings fourth last and mostly jelous between the women themselves hence they try to out do each other even more.


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