

Dr Wilbroad Slaa Speech at Stamford University USA

Africa is transitioning from mismanagement, dictatorship and corruption that have plagued the continent.
Corruption is the main vice depriving Tanzanians and other Africans a chance to economic prosperity.
I am not here to beg, because my country is rich.
I am not here for foreign aid, and CHADEMA party which I represent does not believe on foreign aid.
any sane human being would not want to live off handouts, or going around begging.
Foreign aid is only needed as short term relief for countries coming out of calamities.
Rwanda needed help to so it could emerge out of the ruins of genocide then it became less interested on aid.
Foreign aid is a form of slavery which creates a false sense of entitlement.
Foreign aid confines a beggar into a psychological and mental prison of his own creation.
CHADEMA party believes that all too often, foreign aid creates dependency.
Most foreign aid in Africa end up in the pockets of corrupt rulers. #Tanzania
Foreign aid are your taxes, your sweat which should work for your benefit not for people sitting on their wealth
More important than your dollars, are your brain trust, investments and technological advantage.
Brain trust: what we need to utilize our resources & in planning for years beyond our non-renewable resources.
Our country is exploited by foreign entities, our President is busy trotting the world begging for mosquito nets
With our resources, we can make our own mosquito nets without them being donated to us.
Chadema is poised to changed that, and the most important tool we need is the development of human capital.
We are having inequitable trade, where far eastern countries are exporting their poor populations to compete for jobs with our citizens.
They are even exporting to us their prisoners to work on our roads yet millions of our young men have no jobs.
Some of these individuals have turn to insult us as a nation, interfering on our sovereignty.
A whole ambassador standing on a political platform to address a political rally.
If you feed us today with your milk and honey, our meals for tomorrow may not be guaranteed
Tanzania is not an island; it is part of the global community where all humans have the liberty to visit.
Our boarders are open for all, as long as our laws and culture are respected.
Chadema party believes on the free market economic philosophy in which individual creativity is rewarded.
We need partnership in fostering individual innovation within our people.
We don’t need your tax money; neither do we need your mosquito net donations, we need your skills
We don’t need shoe boxes, we need to know how to make our own shoes. We need your technological know how.
CHADEMA's priority number one is education! Priority number two is education & so is the priority number three.

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  1. Encouraging speech

  2. hii speech ya ukweli sana viongozi wetu wange kuwa na maind kama hii tunge kuwa mbele sana hongera kamanda.mng.machimkenda

  3. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mwigulu wapi wewe. njoo nawe utuandikie hotuba yako. tubandikie hotuba yako hapa tuone ulisema nini. tafadhali usichelewe au umeipeleka kufanyiwa editing pale mlimani au lumumba kwa msovero?

  4. Thank u my alwayz #Presdent

  5. I salute you my Presdent......

  6. Very nice speech..."peopleeeeeeeeee...........POWER "


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