

It is either getting old or Facebook has become plain annoying and boring and I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way. There are many people who have contemplated on deactivating their pages but with the addiction that comes along with it you have to open your account at-least once daily.

I asked a few people what they do not like about Facebook and the answers were depressing, starting with the never ending Facebook changes to the intolerable behaviors our ‘friends’ have such as the numerous  love quotes from new lovers,pictures of baby’s first potty training , selfies from people who have just acquired smart phones, people who share all meals they eat etc

Here are some categories of the worst Facebook habits, are you a victim or a culprit?

1. Trashing/badmouthing others

There are some people with alot of bad energy and cannot wait to complain or bad mouth other people. They are typically bullies and will not let anyone be, whether a community member or even celebrities. They will mock and make fun of anyone. They forget that this people too have feelings, e.g those people who trash their pastors,teachers etc. If you have a problem with the person try to solve it offline.

2. News feed Hogs

With these people they update on Facebook every single second about their work place, home, relationship, food etc practically every aspect of their lives. Such that when you open Facebook they are all you see, with this you will easily bore your friends, Keep your updates to maximum of three or four a day and keep them interesting!

3. Publicizing Private Moments
We all know those people who update obvious, sensitive and embarrassing things. Like that couple so inlove and they live in the same house yet they will have their conversations our their news-feed! People in this category are usually image crafting, jealousy inducing and suffering from Narcissism. Posting publicly about private matters pertaining to family, friends, religious beliefs, health and violence is a no!

4. The Relationship Brag
It is great to be in-love and in a perfect relationship but your friend’s Facebook stream is not a Shakespeare series, where you have to keep rubbing in in everyday on how you love your significant other. Your friends already know you are engaged or married but you start to repel them by trying to share your love story all the time.

5. The Complainer
This kind of person is always sad and going through a crisis. Sometime life can be tough, yes and it’s nice to get support from friends and family on Facebook but not every time. If you have an issues it is more helpful to approach some one you really trust.

6. The Goofy Faced Pictures
This is the friend who updates weird photos on Facebook, with creepy faces or in very awkward positions and does not do it once but will keep on hitting the share button. In the era of selfies and everyone owning a smart phone you can only we can only pray for people to stop.

7. The Brag

Users in this category are the majority as people who know each other always want to prove a point. This is where people will try to show others how amazing their lives are eg “Taking my new Range Rover for  test drive” , “London here I come” , “On my walk home from work, I was whistled at twice, honked at twice, and one car almost caused an accident”, “With two PHD’s and my boss was shouting at me” etc

So which category are you in?

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