

Dodoma. In what appears to be the opposition’s discontent with developments in the Constituent Assembly (CA), the national chairman of the Civic United Front (CUF), Prof Ibrahim Lipumba, stunned members when he snubbed CA chairman’s appointment in the crucial committee.

Mr Lipumba’s decision came just a few minutes after the chairman of the CA, Mr Samuel Sitta, announced a team of five members of the Steering Committee which included only one member from the opposition.

The CA chairman announced five members of the Steering Committee, amid criticism from members. They include Ms Mary Chatanda (Special Seats -CCM), Prof Ibrahim Lipumba (CUF), Mr Amos Mpanju (People with Disabilities), Fakharia Khamis Shomari (Special Seats - CCM) and Hamoud Abuu Jumaa (MP for Kibaha Rural -- CCM).

But in a quick reaction, Prof Lipumba stood up and said he was aware the ruling CCM was planning to bulldoze the opposition by ensuring that their agenda sails smoothly through the Steering Committee and that he was not ready to be used under the umbrella of the opposition.

Mr Sitta said he only had five positions and he could not include many more members from the opposition because if he did so it would mean he was segregating others. “We appointed Prof Lipumba because he is the leader of a strong opposition party and chairman of the Coalition of Defenders of the People’s Constitution (Ukawa). Therefore all queries from the opposition can easily be channelled through the CUF leader,’’ he said.

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  1. hawa nao....hebu tutoleeni ushuzi

  2. wanatuzingua,

  3. huyu sitta nae kashalewa uccccmm, aliaminiwa hataegemea upande wowote lakini nao sasa kabadilika.


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