
10 Reasons Why You Should Dump That Man Now!

To dump or not to dump? is this the question keeping you up at night? Are you simply unhappy in your relationship, with a man who cannot meet your physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual needs? This can be a tricky decision, and sometimes the signs are less apparent than you think. We have all found ourselves in relationships that do not serve us or are dysfunctional.
when I look back at all the relationships that did not work there were always early warning sings or red flags. Here are reasons that you should kick that man to the curb, so if any of these apply to you run and do not walk!
1. He does not keep his promises
Intimacy is built on trust. This applies from small things like calling you when he said he will to getting you that thing he said he will. Sometimes life can get in the way making him not to keep his word but if this happens more than once or twice, it’s a sure sign that you’re just not a priority for him right now.

2. He talks about his ex or still has his ex’s baggage
If a dude is still talking about his ex he either still wants her or he hates her. Either way he is not done with her so he cannot give you 100% of his heart. So run girl, you do not want to deal with guy who is still living in the past

3. He cheats on you
When a relationship is new the romance and chemistry are normally off the charts, you simply cannot get enough of each other. If he is cheating on you now you can only imagine what he will do in the future. Cheating does not only apply to physical cheating.

4. He is holding you back
A partner should add to your life, not take away from it. It is okay to compromise in a relationship but when you feel that this dude is draining all your energy and you are not progressing in life like you would want to, its time to leave.

5. You are not proud of him
Yes it is possible to be ashamed of your boyfriend!Do you constantly make excuses to explain away his less flattering qualities? He is probably not as good looking or is short or is very poor at conversations or has no sense of humor. Your partner should be a light in your life but if you are holding back in even introducing him to your friends or even uploading his photo on social media, think twice.

6. If all your friends think he is an a**
If all your close friends think your guy is a moron, he probably is. When you are infatuated it is hard to see a person for who they are but your friends can see your guy much more clearly than you do.

7. If he’s unemployed/broke
Finances are a very important aspect of life. If he is unemployed the guy could be lazy or simply a dreamer.He has to tenaciously and passionately fulfill his reason for being .If he has an income but is still broke, it could mean he is just a spender and does not save or invest. You guys need to be on the same page on financial philosophies to make a serious relationship work

8. He’s controlling, especially if the relationship is still young
He could be controlling in many ways, for example he wants you to change your way of living, e.g your dress code, he expects you to be available for him 24/7 as if you do not have a life of your own, he wants to know your every move, he wants you to lose/gain weight, he wants you to drop your friends etc
9. He’s addicted to anything
If he drinks too much or you do not like him drunk, you know what to do. He could be addicted to other things such as gambling, porn, pills etc How can you entrust your life to someone who can’t manage his own?
10. If you clicked on to this post
If you wanted to read this article it means you are not at peace and you having doubts for one reason or another. True love is something you know when you know, it should not stress you but give you peace and happiness.

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  1. Dump him immediately, pumbavu zake

  2. What this tz commented! Shame english!

  3. wewe uctutukane kwan english c lugha etu ya taifa, stupid!


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