Mbowe Tena Chadema, Achaguliwa kwa Kishindo Kuongoza Chama Hicho

Freeman Mbowe amechaguliwa tena kuwa Mwenyekiti wa Chadema katika Mkutano Mkuu wa chama hicho uliofanyika jana.

Katika uchaguzi huo, Mbowe alipata kura 789 sawa na asilimia 97.3 na kumshinda mpinzani wake ambaye hakuwa na nguvu kubwa, Gambaranyera Mongateo aliyeambulia kura 20 sawa na asilimia 2.5

Hiki ni kipindi cha tatu kwa Mbowe kupewa ridhaa ya kuongoza chama hicho kikuu cha upinzani nchini. Katika kinyang’anyiro hicho, wagombea walikuwa watano, wawili walienguliwa na mmoja, Kansa Mbarouk alijitoa.

Baada ya matokeo hayo kutangazwa ukumbi ulilipuka kwa furaha ukihanikizwa na wimbo wa “Happy Birthday to you.” Jana pia ilikuwa siku ya kuzaliwa kwa Mbowe akiwa amefikisha miaka 53.

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  2. uchu wa madaraka, hovyoooo

  3. big up kiongozi bora

  4. Wape na wenzako kijiti waonje utamu wa uongozi nawao wakomae mnakua kma chama cha familia au ukoo..nawapenda ila hili cjapenda

  5. Madaraka matamu halafu mnawasema CCM waroho wa madaraka, kila siku Mboe mwenyekiti mkiambiwa chama cha wachaga mnaandamana, achia madaraka kwa wengine kila siku wewe inamaana bila mboe chadema hatusongiii,,,

  6. nyau nyie wote mnaomkandia Mbowe, Chadema haiwahusu pumbaf, bakini huko huko kwenye chama chenu.

  7. Who denies that chadema is a northern oriented party. It is unfortunate that people do not see this fact beyond their noses.

    Elly Chacah wangwe expressed his desire to carry out a campaign throughout the country and he met his death mysteriously and nobody seemed to have cared, and it was assumed to be a natural accident.

    The Firebrand politician Zitto Kabwe we have witnessed how he has been decimated by being labeled a rebel simply he had intentions of vying for the chairmanship of the party.

    The prodigal son from Tabora , Kanza was psychologically intimidated by the shear statement that 'Mwenye kifua aje ajipime na mimi" another clandestine intimidation

    Power corrupts and so he is the chairmanship of Chadema. The brass has remained the same and its is going to be so for long time.

    Let democracy be practiced pragmatically as the Party goes by its popular slogan Chama cha democrasia na maendeleo. It is completely wrong for a party to be run like a personal property while the controlling big wigs are seeping their coffee and sipping whiskies somewhere.

    If you want to prove this, then try to tempt Mbowe and thereafter you will face the hidden anacondas.

  8. this country shall be never run by dombolo ya solo or seemingly defao like personality.

  9. Tanzanians stop being gullible and shun away by being bamboozled by empty and catchy politically inflamed slogans by unpolished politicians pretending to know the destiny of this country.


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