
Maskini:Mwanamitindo Millen Magese Alazwa Tena Hospitalini, Atoa Ujumbe Mzito Akiwa Katika Maumivu Makali

Mwanamitindo Maarufu Millen Magese Amepost kwenye ukurasa wake wa Instagram akiwa kitandani kwa mara nyingine tena akipata matibabu kuhusu ugonjwa unaomsumbua na kuandika ujumbe huu wa kusikitisha:

I didn't want to Post any pic this time because Iam exhausted ....but posting this pic today is just to insist ...Endometriosis is real. I truly don't wish to see any young girl/woman go through this pain . It's not just your period pain , it's more than that. May this remind women from all over that our women health is very important and the best investment you can ever do for yourselves. Let's continue to keep our faith higher and pray but empower ourselves by doing check ups and see doctors more often before it's too late . Don't ask God Why ask him to lead you on how you can find help and Cure . You're here for a reason 13th surgery in my body and I truly not asking rather encouraging everyone to raise awareness so we can find cure . With due respect , don't tell me which church or pastor I should see today because I obviously pray and have faith just take care of yourselves ,God knows better and he will soon get me out of this when he is done with me . Don't tell me to pray harder . Don't tell someone who is going through chronic pains to pray harder you're not helping her .Many thanks to everyone who have been here for me, pray with me since day one . It has been a long journey , may he stops it when it's time.. follow @endometriosisafrica and page awareness .its all over Google so Google it and get Knowladge about it , find out if you have any issues at all. It's better🙏#letsfindaVoice #together we can find Cure and make a difference"

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  1. So sad hope fill better!!

  2. Pole sana dada sina msaada wowote kwako zaidi ya sala zangu kwako

  3. unawaandikia wazungu? au umekisahau kiswahili?? wengine hatujaambulia kitu hivyo andika kwa kiswahili!!! kama una maana ya kuwaelimisha wanawake wa tanzania.

  4. Very sorry my sister happiness , God is everything he sees all the pain your going through, he will heal you and change your life and you will forget it!! all the pain will pass away, our God can do everything and anything that we can not do in this world!! One day you will confess to our Lord!!

  5. Kwani kasemaje hapo juu? Mimi ni Maimuna!

  6. Ha haaaaaa maimuna ata me sjaelewa embu tutafsirieni jamani acheni ubinafsi.


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