
Davido Awauzi Wakenya Vibaya Alipoenda Nchini Humo Kuburudisha Jumamosi iliyopita

Today the theme is Davido. No artist has generated more hate from Kenyans in recent years than the Nigerian, and looking at the events of the past weekend, it’s clear why.

Davido started off his visit at NTV studios, and it was obvious he had no idea he was inside the largest media house in East Africa, perhaps even larger than any private media in Nigeria.

His pride and arrogance started when he met Victoria Rubadiri and Yvonne Maingi, and continued downstairs on Kimathi Street as he was being interviewed by Larry.

We have written extensively about that.

Read: Davido Angers Kenyans With His Arrogance on The Trend

Read: Hilarious Memes After Davido’s 20 Minutes Performance

On Saturday night, the Nigerian disappointed fans at Carnivore after giving a performance of less than 30 minutes. Below we have some reactions from Twitter.

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