Staa wa Nigeria Davido anatafutwa na [Askari wa kitengo cha kuzuia Dawa za kulevya Nigeria ] National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
Chanzo cha habari kimesema video yake ya ‘Fans Mi’ aliyofanya na Meek Mil iliyotazamwa na watu zaidai ya milioni moja kwa sasa Youtube imeonyesha matendo ya ununuaji wa dawa za kulevya yasiyotakiwa kuonekana kwenye tv.
Ofisa wa NDLEA, Mitchell Ofoyeju amesema “The agency considers the musical video, ‘Fans Mi’ inappropriate and indecent. It has the tendency to negatively influence and induce drug use and trafficking. Besides, it is counter-productive on the campaign against drug production, trafficking and abuse. The agency is also investigating the matter and will take necessary action,” .