
Shabiki Ataka Rosa Ree Achukuliwe na WCB "Rosa Ree Anaweza Peleka Mbio Hip Hop ya Africa"

Ameandika Silver katika ukurasa wa maoni wa Youtube:

"In my opinion. .... WCB since kondeboy aondoke saizi ni upuzi mtupu umebaki huko..... then boom zuchu akaja na kishindo ila hana malengo ....... target yake nj east Africa. ..... USHWAHILI mwingi. ...... rosaree .......... rosaree anaeza peleka mbio hawa mabinti wa wafrica akipata support vizuri.....wcb is big...... imagine ROSA AKIWA WCB. ......... HIPHOP ya east Africa isonge....... love from Kenya. ....." Silver
Baadhi ya Maoni Mengine:

Pollution G.O.A.T ameandika:
 "Rosa ree is the quuen of rap in Africa
N khaligraph Jones is the King
Hip hop is the Kingdom
How many are their subjects?"

Godfrey Raphael Ameandika:
 This girl is simply genius, have listened to some of her music and she BAAAD, Lyrically and confidence..On point.."

Tazama Hapa chini Wimbo wake Mpya:

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