
Alichokisema Diwani Mutta Rwakatare kuhusu kupotea kwake


Diwani wa Kata ya Kawe, jijini Dar es Salaam, Mutta Rwakatare, amesema kwamba kupotea kwake kulishatolewa ufafanuzi na Mkuu wa mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Amos Makalla, na kwamba hayo ni masuala ya kiafya sio vizuri kuyazungumzia.

Kauli hiyo ameitoa hii leo Julai 2, 2022, wakati akizungumza kwenye kipindi cha WeekendBreakfast ya East Africa Radio.

‎"I think my loss, the head of the region explained and I spoke, so there's no need to develop it, the health issue is not good to talk about, when you have people it's a very big capital that's why I love it," he said.‎amesema Diwani Mutta

Diwani Rwakatare alipotea kwa takribani miezi mitatu na baadaye alipatikana maeneo ya Tabata kwa mwanamke mmoja aitwaye Ashura.


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